Latvijas studentu apvienība

Izveidota jauna mājaslapa par ERASMUS Mundus iespējām

We are pleased to inform you that the EM-ACE website ( is now online.

The website had been designed to promote Erasmus Mundus towards European students and has been developed in strict collaboration with potential, current and former Erasmus Mundus students so to ensure that the information provided is simple, clear and student-friendly enough. As agreed with the European Commission and EACEA is recent meeting, the website content will be updated as soon as the new EC programme (Erasmus for All? Yes Europe?) will be launched, so to make sure the information provided is coherent with the new shapes Erasmus Mundus or any other programme on Joint degrees will take.

We would highly appreciate it if you could disseminate the website among your networks and contacts (institutions and students in your country, erasmus mundus coordinators, etc.). The idea of the website it to help both students and staff working on Erasmus Mundus to promote the programme in an easy and effective way, so feel free to add the link to the website on your institutional page and ask EM coordinators in your country to do so. You are also welcome to use some of its content and translate it into your language, etc.

A promotional toolkit for staff working on Erasmus Mundus will also be produced in the next months. As soon as it will be ready, we will inform you.

Best regards, EM-ACE Team

Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus ir sadarbības un mobilitātes programma augstākajā izglītībā, kuras mērķis ir:

  • paaugstināt Eiropas augstākās izglītības kvalitāti;
  • izvirzīt Eiropas Savienību par pasaules izglītības izcilības centru;
  • sadarbībā ar „trešajām valstīm”* veicināt starpkultūru sapratni un dialogu;
  • attīstīt „trešo” valstu augstākās izglītības telpu.

Iesaistot labākos studentus un izcilākos mācību spēkus no visas pasaules, Erasmus Mundus uzdevums ir panākt izcilu izglītības kvalitāti visā Eiropas Savienībā. Vairāk par programmu latviešu valodā:

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