Latvijas studentu apvienība

We invite to complete the Survey about Discrimination in Higher Education Institutions

The Student Union of Latvia (LSA) in cooperation with Students’ Council of the University of Latvia (LU SP) and the University of Latvia (UL) has made a “Discrimination in higher education institutions” survey to gather information about what kind of discrimination students, academics and general staff encounter in the higher education institutions.

At the moment, in Latvia, there is a lack of in-depth analysis about the cases of discrimination in Latvia’s higher education institutions, which would reflect discrimination cases and statistics in universities and colleges. Survey’s data will be important to define the current situation in the higher education environment in order to impose anti-discrimination and inclusive environment promoting events.

LSA and UL invite students, academic and general staff to fill out the survey and provide information about experienced discrimination about themselves and their peers. The more information is provided about the specific cases, the more useful the survey data will be in understanding the real situations faced in higher education institutions.

The Head of LSA’s Social Affairs, Līva Vaivade, states that “discrimination against a student can have consequences on his academic performance, mental health, and possibly reduce its desire to study and attend a higher education institution. Such situations cannot be tolerated, and it is necessary to act in such a way that the student in the higher education environment realizes that he will not be discriminated, because of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, culture, language, religion, functional disorders, socioeconomic factors or age and appearance.” 

The survey is anonymous and the data obtained will be used only in an aggregated form.

The survey deadline is May 26th, 2023.

Time required to fill out the survey – 5 – 15 minutes.

The survey is available here: 

The initiators of the idea to create survey about discrimination are the Students’ Council of the University of Latvia. Project managers are Renārs Kairis, chairman of the UL Eco Council, Head of Social affairs of LU SP 2021./2022., and Līva Vaivade, the Head of LSA’s Social Affairs.

The survey was developed in cooperation with LU Career Center experts Dace Siliņa and Līga Valinka, Center MARTA expert Madara Mazjāne, representative of the disabled and their friends society “Apeirons” Ivars Balodis, Riga Technical University psychologist Viktorija Gaina, Dean of the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation Signe Tomsone, RSU Political Science Departments researcher Elizabete Vizgunova.

The translation of the survey into English was provided by Venstpils University Translation and Language Technologies students: Undīne Bētere, Ivo Stepiņš, Līva Teterovska and Dārija Semjonova.

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